About Us

I'm Dave Nyman, and I've been playing table top games since 2003 at a local war gaming club, and started playing RPGs in 2004 when I was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons.

In 2012, I was one of the co-founders of Toowoomba Boardgamers, and I am still president of this club through to today.

In late 2012, I started to diverge from D&D and Pathfinder, joining a group playing Vampire, and started building an interested in Conspiracy X, Delta Green and Call of Cthulhu. Ever since then, I've struggled to find books and content for different games and systems without paying huge overseas shipping fees.

Last year, I decided to do something about it, launching this store, specialising in stocking harder to find modules and systems that aren't always available from other local suppliers.

I've gone to the trouble of finding and importing these products, so you can buy from an Australian supplier, pay a reasonable price, and get them shipped cost effectively.

Get in touch if you think I can help, use the Contact Page, or send me an email, rareroleplay -AT- optusnet.com.au.


ABN 36513483805
19 Isaac Street, Westbrook, QLD, 4350